Financial Source

International candidates must contact potential supervisors and the coordination of the PPGEcoBio in order obtain detailed information about funds for PhD or Master research activities.
Capes financially supports the country's postgraduate academic courses (Academic and Doctoral Masters) through the Proap programs (Postgraduate Support Program), for courses evaluated with concepts 3 to 5, and Proex (Program of Academic Excellence), for courses evaluated with concepts 6 and 7. Capes does not financially support Professional Master's courses.
Our Academic Program (Academic Master's and Doctorate), having concept 6 by Capes, is supported by Proex. The Proex resources are applied according to a plan of academic goals proposed by the Collegiate and with follow-up of a Management Committee (CG-PROEX), composed by the Coordinator, a faculty and a post grad student.
The Academic Program has supported some of the academic activities of students and supervisors.
Our Professional Program (Professional Master's Degree) is not supported by CAPES and is maintained by resources of projects from other funding agencies (e.g. FAPESB) and / or by the support of the institutions to which the students are linked. The Professional Master's course, being headquartered in a public educational institution, cannot receive payment of individuals. In addition, since the activities of the teachers attending the course are among their basic teaching and training, they do not receive any additional remuneration for attending the course.